Saturday, October 11, 2008

Rasanya mood Raya sudah tiada, it’s back to the usual grind at the office. Lagipun membaca Wall Street Journal dan The Edge Singapore semakin menggigit jari mengalahkan bacaan fiksyen. Aku sudah tak larat nak keep up with the market news (because I keep having to change the information in my write-ups or press releases), but nak tak nak terpaksa baca juga sambil gigit knuckles pula, memikirkan kemungkinan besar bonus tahun depan akan susut jika keadaan ekonomi terus terkapai-kapai kelemasan sebegini. Please do not mention "free-falling" in front of me! Oh well, I suppose rezeki ada di mana-mana, and it doesn’t have to come in the form of money.

Few things to share during the recent
balik kampung trip :

1. Pilot MAS cakap dialek Kelantan on board. A nice change.
2. Opposite
Istana Batu, there is a cultural village of some sort and also a restaurant that sells nasi ulam. Discovered lauk ikan patin asam pedas meets masak lemak, but with a Kelantan twist, because it was slightly sweet. Tapi sedap!
3. Ketika aku sedang menyidai baju di bawah rumah nenek, my youngest niece si Ayn was running around scaring everyone with a ‘tali’ and she was going “Eeeee, ular, ular”. Of course la I completely brushed her off. Then my other niece took a closer look and alamak, she’s playing with kulit ular! Apa lagi, lintang-pukang lah Cik Nate lari naik atas rumah hehe.
4. My youngest brother is so hopelessly in love. Checking his jiwang SMS-es made me wanna to vomit (sorry I have to play the over-protective sister here, awek gila dia tu asyik suruh dia jadi supir je). Bonus points if i get to understand the bahasa SMS though. Yuck.
5. Akibat kebosanan, my eldest nephew sudah buat music video shuffle-nya dengan bantuan Husband sebagai jurukamera. Will upload it on youtube jikalau connection is good. Which I doubt I’ll do it.
6. Fairul Nizam telah menjadi pelanggan feveret akak yang jual nasi dagang. Read here: Perihal Nasi Dagang..

Okay lah. Back to doing laundry. Nerissa jemput makan tengahari di rumahnya today. Dia beri jaminan sambal belacan uncle-nya pasti meletup. I hope she's right. :)

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