Friday, May 23, 2008

Monday, May 12, 2008

I don't do the countdown until the big day because he does. I think I'm pretty much livin' up to the gelaran 'most relaxed bride-to-be on Earth!' but honestly I try not to think about it too much. Or else I'll go crazy or sat gi kena nervous breakdown lagi it's not gonna be very pretty. Buat masa sekarang aku sudah dapat projek baru dan ia dijangka dilancar pada 3 Julai. So you can imagine lah how hectic things are for the next couple of weeks until the big date. I really hope I can pull everything off. InsyaAllah.

Okaylah I want to eat McDonald's now. Oh sedapnya Big Mac! ;p

Thursday, May 08, 2008

"youlah cakerawala sebab tu gua jadi bintang mintang"

HA ha Ha ha.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Semalam sebab kami banyak sangat komplen tentang cuaca panas, tiba-tiba Kota Bharu hujan ribut selebat-lebatnya. Masa tu I was di bawah rumah Nenda and ya Allah, nasib baik aku ni bukan bersaiz anoreksia - kalau tidak sudah lama dibawa terbang oleh angin kuat.

I'm back in KL now. First thing I bought today was ayam penyet ria di mentari business park, sunway. Hmm sedap juga. Agak terkilan kerana bekalan frozen ayam percik yang telah dijanjikan kepada few ppl tidak dapat ditunaikan sbb sudah sold-out! Mmg frust betul. Laksam/nasi dagang untuk orang2 Kay Ell juga tidak dapat dibeli pagi tadi because i had to catch my flight early in the morning and peniaga-peniaga Kay Bee only starts selling after 7. Oh well, next time okay.

The Queen Mother
(Nenda) told my auntie that aku sudah ada ciri-ciri isteri mithali. Huhu. Well, this means a lot to me lah because over the years it's so hard to please her, everything has to perfect. Lipat baju kena perfect size, gaya menyapu sampah kena demure supaya sampah dan habuk tidak terbang, pemakaian harus sopan etc. So yeah, allow me this moment to be extra grateful for the little things that she say right now. :)

Anyway, I have gossip
istana! Tentang Tengku Mahkota kesayangan aku tu lah.. Tapi bila fikir balik, eh aku nak share gosip ini dengan siapa ya? Well, whatever happens I wish him all the best lah and pray that he will find real happiness soon.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Greetings from Kota Bharu! I am sitting on my grandmother's wheelchair (couldn't find a better chair) and checking my work emails. Ye, saya tahu, I should just put work aside tapi saya belum punyai Blackberry jadi no choice ma!

Weather is super hot here. Super, super hot. I am sipping my cold cold Coke right now.

Flight dari KL was okay.
Sebaik saja take-off, ada 'abe Kelate' sitting behind me pasang lagu rakyat. Kuat pulak tu! I guess dia tidak minat muzak yang dimainkan dalam pesawat MAS. Nak gelak pun ada, saya tahulah awak tak sabar nak balik KB - sebab saya pun tak sabar juga - but you don't have to play the lagu Kelate so loud! ;p

I had
nasi dagang for breakfast tadi...

Okay-lah gotta run, nenek sudah tanya sama ada sudah sembahyang Zohor ke belum.... woops.