Monday, November 27, 2006

Rugi lah you all tak datang. Best tau. Hmm, let’s see some photos! Kepala berserabut. My assistant dah resign, esok last day. Habis aku nak gossip pasal boss aku dengan siapa?

Other Reading @ Seksan photos can be viewed at my Natasya in The Sky.

Ehhhh, tersesat gambar Siti. Taken at the NST Group open house. Orang lain dok sibuk bergambar dengan Siti, Erra, Hans, Camelia, Anita etc etc, aku pi bergambar dengan Mawi. MAWI!?! I have photographic proof! (in which shall be destroyed soon enough. Nanti kena gossip. Kih Kih. omgicantbelieveibergambarwithmawi

p/s: I just realized that there are some ppl who read this are not aware of my English diary. Hoh? Then how did you guys get here? There’s more sex, drama and tragedy di sana! Hehe. That’s ok. You can stay here if you like. Thanks for reading! Dah dah jangan ajak aku keluar blind date, I don’t exist. ;)

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