Sunday, November 15, 2015

Komik Kon Malaysia 2015

I may not be a hardcore comic fan but after experiencing the PopCon in Jakarta this year I might as well check out the first ever Komik Kon in Malaysia. Few tell-tale signs that this con may not a great one:
  • Location location location, MAEPS, Serdang. Like seriously? How are you going to attract those who doesn't drive? Especially teenagers who probably make up 50% of the avid comic fans. 
  • Hardly any publicity. 
That aside, photos! Entrance fee was RM35 bucks. Not exactly worth it... Do better next year guys! Here's a tip - get a big corporation to sponsor. :)

Took me a while to notice that Rumi was holding hands with the Storm Trooper. Heh heh.

The kid in the Dragonball costume is so cute! I also saw 'obi wan kenobi' walking with his daughter dressed as Princess Leia. I die. Cutest pair ever.

Your favorite superheroes dancing to feng tau music. Don't play-play, the Spiderman can do a mean breakdance move. Heh.

The boys getting acquainted with Kylo Ren. Please don't suck in the movie dude.

Yay robots!!!

Hello you.

Hello to you too.

Cool t-shirts sold here. I have enough t-shirts.

1 comment:

Amyz! said...

Cool nyaaa..!! :-O