Friday, November 01, 2013


Sometimes I think in past life I was a yakuza because I swear I felt like smashing a chair on a doctor's head at Mediviron. And chop off his dick and feed it to the dogs. Woah.

So anyway, Idris' cough escalated to a non-stop coughing frenzy last night and we reluctantly went to Mediviron (it was the nearest at that time) and to our dismay, it was doctor A on duty (who we kinda don't like him because he overcharge, overprescribe, over everything). So you can imagine my dismay when he said Idris needs an injection (siap buat statement "this is gonna be expensive ok", then nebulizer and a handful of other (stronger) meds and antibiotics, and oh, hospitalized if need be. If he thinks I'm stupid he got another thing coming. You don't inject a 4 year old! The boy needs air! 

We ended up refusing him and rushed Idris to our beloved hospital ER. Thankfully, his breathing is alright. Yes, plenty of phlegm in his lungs. After 5 minutes on the nebulizer, we were sent home with an anti-phlegm medicine and a cough med.

"Injection my ass", I told my husband.

The coughing has decreased tremendously today and I doubt we will need to go to the hospital again later for another round of nebulizer. When I have time I will write an official complaint letter to Mediviron group against that doctor.

Something that a real-life yakuza wouldn't do I guess. ;p

Sudahlah, mak nak masak. But I'm not sure what to cook. Dear housewives, don't you feel like your life is a vicious cycle of deciding what to cook on a daily basis (or do you have the entire menu planned out for the whole week?). Heheh.

1 comment:

Azmir Ismail said...

luckily for the doc apa yang hang nak buat is a crime .. kalau tak, siappp kau. Hope your kid gets better :)