Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Last year's photo.

Baru boleh bernafas. The kids are at the tail-end of their coughs already and no more fever this weekend please! Let's go to Aquaria or something.

Wait, is Deepavali this weekend? If it is then a visit to Klang is due for Diwali open house weeeee I can't wait! Then there is a Chinese wedding on Sunday but unfortunately I won't be able to attend because we gonna go see Sofea Jane y'all. I still don't know what it's about because my husband who has a huge crush on mem hanyut is not telling. ha. ha.

OH MY GOD NOVEMBER IS LOOMING. You know what this means. Awards submission season! Bencikkkkkk!!! But they don't call me Award Master for nothing. Hopefully we will win more awards this year. By the end of the day it's not what I craft that will help us win, it's our performance, achievements etc that counts ok. [Statement sedapkan hati]

I don't know how to write this but recently my dear friend lost her baby that she's been carrying for the past 4 months. It hurts so bad to hear the news and I can't imagine being in her shoes. Al-Fatihah to the little angel and if you're reading this Nida, love you so much and feel better soon okay. *hugs* 

Oh, I'm hardly on twitter these days unless I'm replying any mentions. Whatsapp groups keep me updated and facebook (oh god I can't believe I am saying this) is pretty cool when you know every single audience that will be reading your posts or rants. Crowd control at its best. Besides I only have 47 friends on fb and no intention whatsoever to add more. Instagram is still cool, and tumblr keeps me young. Aha! 

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