Saturday, May 04, 2013

Round 4

Oh I'm sorry I'm just gonna update my progress here. Besides, don't you wanna see my before and after pic by the end of the year? *fingers crossed*

Friday's training was a bit easy. Wait, I should never say easy out loud. It will bite me in the butt sooner or later. I went to the gym nearby my office during lunchtime just to test my legs (they were fine, the dull aches were finally replacing the soreness) and braced the Friday traffic for my appointment with Master Pok.

Eh, I digress lah. Yesterday I walked on the treadmill for 8 mins (it's usually 10 mins, thank you MP) and he said we need to work on my arms. Ohkay, I hope it doesn't involve the dreaded weigh ball. Did squats with kettle ball, some liftings, hmmm and more liftings. Blek. Since my husband told him that I've been feeling down lately, Master Pok been encouraging by saying "CONTROL FOOOOOOOOD" and "no pain no gain". Dude, nobody uses "no pain no gain" anymore. That is sooooo the 80s! Sometimes I feel I can just kungfu kick my trainer. I could, I'm paying him good money what.

Aaaaand because I didn't feel so sore today, I tried Les Mills BodyStep in the morning. I'm a disgrace to myself! My coordination is terrible, and oh those steps made me feel like my knees will pop man! Talk about pushing myself over the limit. I think I should just stick to dancing like Zumba or BodyJam like the makcik2 in the gym. -___-

Okay time for bed. Happy voting tomorrow (you'll never see me talk publicly about politics ever, that's just not my forte) and VOTE GYM FOR LIFE.


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