Thursday, October 22, 2015

mamo kebab cafe near harajuku

The hardest thing about travelling with kids (ok their refusal to walk far is another story) is telling them that you can't eat fried chicken or chicken nuggets! They are haram! Hehe. Most of the time when we go out we feed them french fries (sigh - what would jamie oliver say) or make them eat at home first. 

That aside, for us adults, It's not that difficult depending on your was-was level ifyaknowwhatimean. I've traveled with people who ate like crazy at home before venturing out because they refuse to eat anything outside eventhough look, this food, that food -- confirmed halal / got no pork / certified by international islamic body bla bla bla. OK I digress. Had kebab at mamo kebab cafe, a tiny triangular food joint near Harajuku. The food is delicious! The chicken was fresh and the wrap was soft. 

I don't remember the last time I had a good kebab anyway...

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