Sunday, August 30, 2015

zoo redux

Dah lama tak pergi zoo so when Nida mentioned that she's heading there ha ayuh lessgo! The last time we went there was 6 years ago, Rumi was still a tiny kid and he was uninterested at all haha. But I must say that the zoo negara looks better now. We chose not to see the pandas though - semangat patriotik la konon (THEY ARE NOT MALAYSIANS!) - then again they cost a bomb and one panda tengah berpantang for 2 months. ._.

We arrived early yesterday but lucky us not many people there (maybe ppl chose to stay home because of Bersih kot. I danna). So if you have time do check out the zoo. Don't forget to your myKad / myKid!

Gila bosan performance. Rumi was cranky half of the time. Gusi bengkak and this boy is not an outdoor type!

Chill je the flamingos. Best ye hidup uols.

Geng New Balance.
I feel a bit sorry for this sun bear. The bear keeps going in circles in the water. What's going on bear bear? :(

Lucky to be able to see the white tiger in close range. Also saw it poop.

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