Monday, February 24, 2014

The 100happydays project

Favorite peanut butter.
So a friend who is battling depression for years (I call it depression, she calls it being stuck in a rut) decided to take part in the 100happydays project in her attempt to be a happier person. Whatever makes you happy, I thought. For me, it's not hard to find at least one thing that makes me happy on a day-to-day basis. I just snap a pic of my lunch, and wallah! 1 point for happiness! Heheh.

I don't post my 100happydays pic online daily but I do make it a point to send it to her without fail. She's on day 7 now, not sure if she's a happier person yet (because I still get her messages about how sucky life is) but I guess slow pace wins the race. Or something.

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