Saturday, December 07, 2013

myBurger Lab

Alas! A second myBurger Lab outlet closer to home! Otherwise I'll never get to taste it. Heard that the queue at the SEA Park outlet is still crazy. 

We arrived there 530pm and by the time we finish at 620pm, the place was packed and as expected, a long queue has formed. Worry not about the service though, because I think the numbering system works and the staff is really helpful and rajin

Let's talk about the burgers shall we? No let's not. Believe the hype and go try it. Sink your teeth in those fluffy charcoal bread and burgers. Roy had the Hulk burger and I had the most basic one with mushroom. Yuuuuummmmm.

The fries however, is an acquired taste.
I was unable to pin-point what goes into the fries (herbs?) so I guess it's not for everyone. 

Just so you know, I pass by myBurger Lab every evening on my way home from work.
It's so tempting to just drop by and indulge! But I don't think I will ever do that. I was once robbed around that area. :(

myBurger Lab is located just opposite Plaza OUG. Jom?

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