Monday, July 08, 2013

what I ate er, last week

This is my favorite meal at The Humble Chef. At 20 bucks a pop, you get this panfried chicken with pasta. The gravy is amazing, because it reminds me of kuah percik's gravy, except that it's not, and it's a bit spicy. But it's pretty good! My only complaint is that sometimes the chicken can be a bit hard to chew? The bolognese here is pretty good too.

So if you guys wanna check it out, here's the add:
54 Jalan Medan Setia 2, Plaza Damansara, KL. Tel: 014 229 6854
Can't believe that Ramadhan is almost here. Food is the least worry for now, I think although my control over food is debatable, I will (I must) refrain myself from going overboard during buka puasa. Mind over matter, this.

Still trying to figure my workout schedule with Master Pok though. I honestly don't know if I can bring myself to hit the gym AFTER iftar, which would seem a bit too late in my book. I'll probably opt for weekend sessions only, and top that with yoga or some brisk walk on the treadmill during lunchtime. Yeaaaahhhh right. Lunchtime is for siesta! Heh.

See how lah.

p/s: Missing Google Reader terribly.