Thursday, November 15, 2012

spicy fried beef maal hijr

I said please don't eat it, the beef is too hard to chew, the sauce too spicy.
He said it's the delicious thing ever.

So here's the recipe for Spicy Fried Beef Maal Hijr.

500 g beef - boiled till soft (yeah right)
2 garlic diketuk
1 labu bawang besar sliced (I used Hollandaise)
1 big spoon of cili kisar
1 big spoon of oyster sos
A bit of fish sauce
1 big spoon of chili sauce
cili padi-di ketuk
1 red chili-hiris
Sehelai daun limau purut (I used curry leaves)
1 batang lemongrass-diketuk (missing from my recipe tonight)
Oil & salt & sugar to taste


Fry the beef, put aside.
Saute garlic, lemongrass, then cili kisar. Once cooked, add curry leaves, cili padi, oyster sauce, fish sauce and chili sauce.
Add beef, red chili, bawang besar. Add salt and sugar to taste.

One day, just one day my beef will be perfect and I will have a feast at home. Yeah.