Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My current guilty pleasure.

Actually when i first started watching it (on TV2 every selasa & rabu), I didn’t know that it was adapted from a book. Ok fine, doesn’t mean anything to me because kalau buku itu sangat jiwang, then i wouldn’t even touch it with a 10-foot pole! Anyway, I started watching it sebab character-nya nama Bogatt. Bogatt?!? Isn’t that like Humprey Bogart? Ada ke nama orang Melayu macam tu (dalam dunia make-believe – hell yes). Besides, pelakon bagi watak Bogatt itu adalah my classmate masa kursus nikah. Huhu.

In a nutshell, plot-nya agak best. Terlalu panjang untuk diceritakan tapi ia lain dari yang lain (Yusof Haslam could learn a thing or two from this). Tapi dah halfway through ni, plot-nya agak mendatar pula. Missed a couple of episodes, and next thing i know Abang Bogatt is XXXX and his half-brother is xxxxxx [no spoilers hehe].

But of course, like any other mini series, bila dah halfway through, mulalah plotnya menjunam menjadi sesuatu yang agak membosankan. I try to watch it once in a while now tapi macam sudah tak best (sbb Abang Bogatt sudah XXXX!). Sigh.

The other day my sister was like, “Aik, since when did you start watching Malay series?”. Like hello,
kerap juga ok! OK fine, only if Aaron Aziz yang berlakon. Or Jehan Miskin. I like him a lot. Walaupun dia hanya baca buku Paolo Coelho. Aku cukup menyampah bila orang kata “I read Coelho” because honey, that does not make you the most philosophic person in the world! But that’s okay. At least dia baca buku.

Monday, July 21, 2008

“poser gila babas”*
Kata Sufian Abas (hey that rhymes!)

* Tatkala dia mendapati muka aku keluar Sunday Star semalam. Dia sentiasa cemburu bila aku lagi femes daripada dia. Huhu!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

I know I'm supposed to write about the incident that happened masa kenduri kahwin but I already sold our story to a local newspaper today! Should be out in August. Ha! Ha!

So this week dah buat 2 newspaper interviews for 2 different topics. Can't wait to read them ie kisah diri sendiri di dada akhbar. Vain!

On another newsworthy news: Cita-cita untuk menjadi isteri modern yang tidak memasak terpaksa dikuburkan buat seketika. I actually cooked today (last time I cooked masa finals exam Kemahiran Hidup - that's like 14 years ago!). But berkat resipi Chef Wan, Ayam Goreng Masak Seri Wangi turned out delicious! :D To be honest, I can't say I'm too crazy about cooking (makan luar manyak shiok) but will try to cook at least once a week. Do understand that from my ignorant point of view, cooking is like being in a science lab - if I get the right ingredients and sukatan, maka menjadilah eksperimen aku. *evil laugh*

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Alhamdulillah, segalanya sudah selesai i.e. no more make-up tebal, bone-breaking corset and jari-jemari semakin pulih dari menggelupas. I’m now back to work - a working wife dan hopefully after all that we’ve been through to get where we are now, mudah-mudahan we will be happy sampai akhir hayat.

Many thanks to our dear family and friends and bloggers for the undying support dan gifts! The best gift that we got was probably from our poet-friend Azwan Ismail, yang telah menghadiahkan sesuatu yang sangat sesuai. Ish, rahsia-lah, cannot tell dia bagi apa... :) Our sincerest thanks to our beloved photogs as well, CandidSyndrome – Udey & Sofi; Zuhri of Redmedia (yang telah banyak berkorban!) and his team and also the wonder woman Anna Rina who I had so much fun with.

It crossed my mind once in a while that bila aku kahwin nanti, no more blogging for me lah. I think I’ve revealed enough already (with reluctance at times) but I don’t think I can. Those who managed to catch my sister’s speech at my reception would know that this is how I speak my mind, this is how I express my feelings – through writings (yang sometimes does not make sense pun). So in the meantime, business as usual for this space.

Will update later on an incident that happened masa reception, untuk dikongsi bersama.

[updated via vtunnel]

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Oh Abang Pierre, when you say that your watak in Sepi is going to be different, I really thought you akan membawa watak jahat ke, police brutal with a sexy lisp ke, but nooooo you tipu I! Like hello, your watak in Sepi is similar like the rest! Bukan you selalu berlakon jadi kekasih yang memahami ke? Kalau setakat jadi {exclude spoiler here}, hello, that's not really different honey!

But oh well, do go see the movie.
Nasha Aziz berlakon mmg best kali ni (Pierre Andre can learn a thing or two from her).

Anyway, I laughed out loud watching Gaia this week. My husband made a cameo appearance hehe. Geli hati aku.

There will be another wedding reception on 5th of July (thanks to those who showed up at my reception!). My
jari-jemari masih menggelupas like crazy no thanks to the inai. Hopefully they'll be okay by Saturday or else I'm gonna look like someone with a severe disease on my fingers. huargh.